Vail Employees Really Should Wear Tuxedos.What to Order at La Rola Urban Colombian Food Inside Zeppelin Station.Your 2021 Holiday Gift Guide for Colorado-Made Goods.“Winter camping is only fun if you stay warm.” “You are too cold,” he says as he pours me a cup of hot, sugary Earl Grey. I assume he’s going to show me a better gear option, but instead he hands me a thermos. When he gets to me, he sets aside my MSR PocketRocket ministove and goes digging into his well-worn pack. At the moment, he’s helping students light camp stoves, few of which seem eager to ignite in the freezing air. Kereszti is the director of the school and has been teaching the course-which entails three classroom sessions, a bit of homework, quizzes, and three trips into the field-since the late ’80s. Both are instructors for Colorado Mountain Club’s Winter Camping School, which I keep reminding myself I voluntarily signed up to attend as my body involuntarily shivers. Neither is Matt Silveira, who’s not even wearing gloves. The wind is gusting up to 25 mph, and tiny snowflakes fall from a moody early February sky. We asked local backcountry veterans for tips, tricks, and hacks that will help you gear up, stay warm, sleep (relatively) well, eat right, be safe, and have a great time in Colorado’s winter wonderland. Features Everything You’ve Ever Needed To Know To Go Winter Camping in Colorado